About Us

Friends of the Library Board Members for 2025 are: Charles Smith - President and Finance Chair, Patty Barr - Vice President and Books Between Bites Chair, Brenda Fleckenstein, Book Sales, and Sorting Chair - Amy Jackson, Membership Chair, Bryan Hansborough - Publicity Chair, Brian Hansbrough - Nominating Chair, and Chip Donahue - Bylaws Chair. The other board members are: Jan Allen, Lisa Betzer, Marleah Buckley, Linda Duncan, Karen Penn, Janet Palmer, Tony Perry, and Rick Meyer, City Librarian. Our Secretary is Christl Smalley, and our Treasurer is Shawn Perkins.


Pictured: 2023 FOL Board including several current board members. From left to right in the pic: are Ruth Sublett, Brenda Fleckenstein, Connie Peters, Christl (secretary). Standing: Tony Perry, Brian Handsbrogh, Charles Smith, Bryan Hedenberg, Sue Maxwell, Jerry Dodson, Amy Jackson, Debbie Perry, Tim Rooney, Lisa Betzer, Patty Barr, Shawn Perkins (treasurer).

The Friends of the Decatur Public Library Board is a state registered Non-Profit organization. Each voting board member serves on a committee: Finance, Public Relations, Books Between Bites, Book Sales, and Membership.

Members of the board serve three-year terms. They can serve two terms consecutively but then must wait two years to re-apply.

Contact Us @ 217-424-2900 ex 6133

Friends of the Decatur Public Library
130 N. Franklin St.
Decatur, IL 62523

Origin of the Friends and Books Between Bites: A Brief History by Lucille Crow & Dottie Butts Although we do not know the exact date when Books Between Bites was formed, we do know that back in the early 1950s a group of Decatur Public Library patrons began holding regular meetings in an upstairs room of the Carnegie Library located on the southwest corner of North Main and Eldorado Streets. Some of the original members of that group were Lloyd Latendresse, Dr. & Mrs. Peter Cantoni, Sally Gere, Charles Nelson, Ann Limerick, Mae Midkiff, Winifred Moorehead and Library representative, Mr. Loudermilk. The group met a couple of times each month to discuss books and library events. These were evening meetings and usually followed by adjournment to the Greek's Bar & Grill nearby for refreshments. This original group became the organization known as the Friends of the Decatur Public Library. The Friends later joined with the national organization known as Friends of the Libraries, U.S.A. with headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. By the late 1950s and early 1960s, many new names were added to the list of members. Some of these were Marian Ankenbrandt, Lucille Crow, Rex Smith, Irma Andrews, Nancy Curry and Marshall Susler. Sometimes they would go to one of the member's homes for their social get-togethers, and they all remembered having great times together. It is also interesting to note that there was an older couple in this group who at one time had been held in a Nazi prison camp and were the only survivors in either of their families. Their names cannot be recalled now, but they were very active until the wife died and the husband moved back east. In the early 1960s, Edith McNabb, who was very prominent in local and state library activities, decided that the library should begin a regular book review program- Books Between Bites- to be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon. She convinced Mary Howe, who was Head Librarian, and they met with Lloyd Latendresse, who was president of the Friends at that time. Edith arranged the first book review, how we would like to know what the title of that book was! We do know that Mary Howe opened the first meeting and Mr. Latendresse gave the first review. Meetings were held in the second floor auditorium and Lucille Crow remembers giving the second review. These meetings continued monthly with members donating cookies to supplement coffee furnished by the library. The name "Books Between Bites" came from the idea that people working downtown would bring a brown bag lunch and the Friends would serve coffee during their lunch hour. Many did this in the early days but only occasionally does this happen now, although coffee is still served. Robert Dumas became Head Librarian in 1966, and actively encouraged the book reviews and introduced the speakers each month. All kinds of books have been chosen for review including fiction, poetry, biography, history, mysteries, travel and children's books. The monthly programs are scheduled by the Books Between Bites' chairman, a vice president of the Friends of the Decatur Public Library Board. The location of the Library has changed twice since those early days, but the friends and Books Between Bites still remain an integral part of the Decatur Public Library.